The Genesis:

“Balaram Panda Trust” is a Social organization, registered under Indian Trust Act.

The triustis actively involved in socio economic cause With a strong alumni base of ~5000 students in engineering and ~3500 students in its skill development initiatives, the trust has been able to establish itself as a leading in the state.

Our Strategy to Accomplish Vision, Mission and Objectives:

  • Mobilizing and organizing the disadvantaged communities.
  • Initiating and demonstrating participatory development process.
  • Engaging in training programs and education for the deprived communities.
  • Undertaking and supporting programs on community participation and on the participatory models of development, using and improving upon the know-hows, skills, resources, abilities of communities in the field of technology, housing, protected drinking water, sanitation, subsidiary occupations and any other related activities.
  • Acting as a resource center for training, placement, research,lobby, advocacy, documentation and dissemination.
  • Engaging in programs which will ensure greater employment opportunities, better food security and better quality of life.
  • Promoting greater social justice and equity and establishing gender in central role in development.
  • Promoting multi-sectorial, integrated approach for holistic, sustainable development, and taking effective steps towards preservation of environment and ecology.


  • Unparalleled quality and excellence
  • Honesty, Integrity, Sincerity and Devotion
  • Social and moral responsibility
  • Respect for every individual and  their diversities
  • Co-operation, Collaboration and Team work

The Guiding Principles:

  1. We don’t compete with others, rather loves to cooperate and compliment.
  2. We believe in handholding, promoting and scaling up good practices.
  3. We would like to network and work with all developmental stakeholders.
  4. We focus on sharing, exchange and disseminate all information among stakeholders. We work for a knowledge based, innovation and process driven mechanism.