It gives me immense pleasure to learn that Balaram Panda Trust is bringing out its Annual Report for the year 2017-18. The entire team of DDU-GKY has put their endless efforts to make the project a grand success. On this occasion, I congratulate and acknowledge their service.

Being the Treasurer of the Trust, I must say that we are maintaining utmost transparency in our accounting systems and finance management based on our “Finance Policy”. For this, all the credit goes to the Finance Management staffs. It would be injustice if we forget the contribution of our Internal Auditors’ and the Statutory Auditors’ suggestion and feedbacks to make the Finance Desk more vibrant, accountable and transparency.

Balaram Panda Trust is grateful and thankful to Government of India, all the Donor Agencies, State Government of Odisha, Individuals for their kind contribution in terms of financial support. We extend our heartfelt gratitude and look forward the same in the coming days.

Thanking and wishing you all the very best in the future endeavor. DeenDayal Upadhyaya Grameen kaushalya Yojna – The project aims at providing training to the population living in rural areas under the Ministry of Rural development. The Candidates are provided training for 3/6 months, followed by placement and post placement support.