From the Vice-Chairman’s Desk:

“There has been so much to share in the Annual Report and it has taken us a very long time to compile and collate most of what we do at Balaram Panda Trust”.

At this time, the entire team and I are both humbled and gratified at the enormity and creativity that has gone into our programmes. I am happy to share that all our programmes have been growing both vertically and horizontally. This year I hope to continue expanding the programme, which has far reaching impact on the women, children and communities.

In addition to our focus on education and women empowerment, rural development, we have also added healthcare to our projects. It is our constant endeavour to improve  the quality of our organization.

Blessed are those who are given an opportunity to serve unconditionally. I am blessed  enough to have a great TEAM to work with, supportive volunteers and wonderful support staff .

Good Luck & God Bless !!!